Modifying line length in draftsight 2016
Modifying line length in draftsight 2016

modifying line length in draftsight 2016

The selected rectangle have now been “Scaled ” to the length of the selected line as below. You can specify Line color, Linetype, and Lineweight. Use the “Point” sub command, by either typing in “P” or select “Point” from the command line and select the two end points of the line. The selected rectangle can now be “Scaled” by simply moving the cross hairs, however the selected rectangle needs to be scaled to the length of the line below. Select two points on the object, this will be a “Reference” line for scaling. Setting your drawing units to architectural affects any command that requires a length or size, as well as commands that measure. Zero Length Objects Removes objects that have no length, such as a line. Use the “Reference” sub command, by either typing in “R” or select “Reference” from the command line. Look for the Map Edit panel, and the large icon is the Drawing Cleanup tools. In this example select the lower left corner of the rectangle. CHK CHECKSTANDARDS / Checks the current drawing for standards violations. To adjust the scale, open the Linetype manager through Format > Linetype. The Angle option allows the user to modify the text angle. The command starts by displaying these options: : EDITDIMENSION Default: Home Options: Angle, Home, Move, New, Oblique or Specify option Option.

modifying line length in draftsight 2016

Select a suitable base point for “Scaling”, this could be the “Endpoint” or “Midpoint” of one of the lines of the selection set. The EDITDIMENSION command (alias DED or on the Dimension toolbar) includes five options for editing dimensions. Select the “Scale” command from the “Home” tab of the ribbon menu, select the rectangle and confirm the selection by pressing “Enter”. Instead follow the steps below, again this is not a new function since it’s been with AutoCAD for many releases, but it’s one that is often forgotten or overlooked, and again often crops up in a training course.īelow is a simple example showing a rectangle and a line, but any number of item may be selected and scaled uniformly. 2) I have uninstalled program, went to registry editor, found the SWactivation key and deleted. So this is what I have done already: 1) Made sure user had local admin rights, uninstalled the program, reinstalled same issue.


distanceImportant thing is the \X portion.I used the following to achieve the below text: \XNotes below dimline.Scroll down in the Properties Palette to the Text section of the Palette and then activate the “Text override” text box.Right click and open the Properties palette.

modifying line length in draftsight 2016

To add text that is below the dimension value and the dimension line: move the text cursor to the right of the dimension value and hit This will create the new line below the dim value.Type ED in at the command line and hit.To add text so that is underneath the dimension but also above the dimension line: I thought that it would be helpful to show that you don’t need a lisp routine to do this. I have seen a few Lisp routines that allow you to add a line of text under your dimension.

Modifying line length in draftsight 2016